K.I.S.S : Keep it simple stupid !

Yann Tanguy
3 min readFeb 25, 2021

Hi, I’m CEO of Busybees, and I’ve forgot to keep things simple in our product. I will tell you this story, and explain how we’re trying to shift up this issue !

At the beginning : We, the founders, have identified a business issue, small e-merchants can’t access to externalized logistics, and it’s much more harder when you need logistics in foreign countries. On the other hand, compare logistics solutions is hard, there isn’t any tool which is relevant to do that.

We brainstormed a lot, and we have define three ways to enhance logistics for everybody, and to compare logistics offers easy as ordering a Uber.

First, we were going to allow private individuals to become logisticians from their homes, and thus make the most of unexploited square metres. We call them the Bees, and it’s complementary with the Superbees, the logistics companies registered on our platform.
Second, we were going to create an algorithm to compare logistics solutions, considering that logistics are simply time, space, and expertise.
Third, we were going to integrate our algorithm to a marketplace to compare, and then choose and start prestations with logisitcs company from everywhere.

Furthermore, we built a warehouse management system and we did a lot around, on laws, on financial securement solution, on every thing we need to deploy these three axes.

And we did, you can access to that here www.busybees.world

I was so proud of the algorithm we engineered. Every company can build its specific logisitcs solution, and define accurately how they want to be billed. They have access to every detail, even choose days of shipping whereas nobody done this before. It was like Neo Taylorism, we’ve built a tool very powerful, able to produce prices grids for every bees and superbees. Each of them can set up specific remuneration conditions, so the marketplace displays every offers on the billing grid theme built by the customer.

We gain few customers, right. But we although discussed with so many companies to explain how that works, how perfect was our solution without converting them in real users and customers. We forget to consider that, so we keeped on going wrong, and we didn’t get enough customers vs our previsions.

Then, we understood. We understood that when you build a company, you MUST hear your customers, that’s where solutions are ! Our system fits to some customers, companies with enough logistics maturity to understand the wealth behind. But it didn’t meet the expectations of small e-merchants, they need something much more easier to use, much more simple than the Great Algorithm we’ve built. So, we did heard what our customers were saying to us, and the logistics companies we worked with for years. Braistorm again (as every week finally), and we decided to try something a little bit creepy, reduce the questions we need to ask to our customers from dozens to three.

And we make it. We make it yesterday, on the february 24th, 2021. I can’t tell yet if it will works, but i’m pretty sure that now, our product meets muc more customer’s expectancies than before. I’ll never again forget to listen to customers, and i won’t either forget to KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID. In our world, you have to take things so understandable than they meet customers expectations in seconds. When you build something, don’t think only to the best solution to address an issue, consider everyday to build something which meets real customers expectations.

Busybees was : answering to dozens of questions with a lot of details so you can build a accurate solution

Busybees is : answer three questions, get prices, and you can choose your logistic partner and start prestations in few minutes.

And yes, we keeped our algorithm too so we can upgrade our customers solutions when it’s needed, and make logistics as flexible as possible, for every company in the world.

You know almost everything about the shift we took, and now I’m deeply looking for reactions about that, and about our product. Comment, send us a message, share www.busybees.world , we’re pretty cool and we although give advices to every company which needs some on logistics and e-business ;-)

Thank you for your attention!

K.I.S.S : Keep it simple, stupid !



Yann Tanguy

French, CEO, logistics, ebusiness